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《教會史話》(1_035) 甘為霖著作等身

甘為霖牧師(Rev. William Campbell), tī 1915年9月,榮獲加拿大多倫多諾克斯神學院(Knox College)獲頒神學博土;是表彰伊做有成就ê歷史家、字典編纂者、福音宣道家。其著作之豐富thang tùi下腳ê表看出。

1888年「新港腔馬太福音傳」(The Gospel of St. Matthew in Sinkang-Formosan. Dutch and English, edited from Gravius, edition of 1661. London: Trubner, 1888. XVI, 175p. )

1889年「台灣佈教之成功」(An Account of missionary Success in Formosa: From an account published at London in 1650, and now reprinted with copious notes of recent work in the island. London:Kegan, Paul and Trubner, 1889. 2 vols.)

1896年「法波蘭語信仰個條冊」(The Articles of Christian instruction in Favor-lang-Formosan, Dutch and English, edited from Vertrecht’s MS of 1650…. London:Kegan Paul, 1896, XVI, 199p.)

1897「中國ê盲人」(The Blind in China: a criticism of Miss C.P. Gordon-Cumming’s advocacy of the Murray nonalphabetic method of writing Chinese, with additional remark…..Hong-Kong:Kelly and walsh, 1897, XX, 104p.)


1903年「荷蘭治下之台灣」(Formosa under the Dutch, described from contemporary records, with explanatory notes, and bibliography of the island. London:Kegan and Paul, 1903. XIV, 630p.)

1906年「印行台南腔福音書刊備忘錄」(Memorandum on Printing missionary books in the so-called South Formosa dialect. Tainan? 1906. 41p.)


1910年「南台英國長老教會宣道會手冊—台南教士會議事錄」(Handbook of the English Presbyterian Mission in South Formosa. London:F.J. Parsons, 1910, XXX, 3+405p.)

1913年「厦門音新字典」 (A Dictionary of the Amoy vernacular…..Yoko-hama:Fukuin Printing Co. 1913 1v.)

1915年「台灣素描」(Sketches from Formosa. London:Marshall, 1915.394p. Hama: Fuku in Printing Co. 1913. 1v.)

(華語原載:台灣教會公報第1909期 主後1988年10月2日)