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point 台灣公論報 蕃薯園
一共有 21篇信息

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編號 人氣 時間 發佈者 標題
2139612008.07.09chuniokPage#307~326 參考書目.pdf
2034602008.07.09chuniokPage#297~306 The Forces in the Tug of War of Taiwanese Orthographic Change.pdf
1935192008.07.09chuniokPage#273~296 On Demographically Motivated Abrupt Sound Change in Taiwanese.pdf
1834372008.07.09chuniokNo Subject!
1736882008.07.09chuniokPage#249~258 台灣現行語言政策動機的分析.pdf
1635272008.07.09chuniokPage#229~248 Two Aspects of Lexical Differences Between Amoy and Taiwanese.pdf
1534302008.07.09chuniokPage#217~228 Literary Disyllabism vs. Colloquial Trisyllabification in Taiwan
1436252008.07.09chuniokPage#199~216 根據情報額探討台語標準音&標準詞的計劃模式.pdf
1339392008.07.08chuniokPage#175~198 台灣福建話外來語概觀.pdf
1232542008.07.08chuniokPage#157~174 The Assimilation of Japanese Loanwords in Taiwanese Hokkien.pdf

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