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編號 人氣 時間 發佈者 標題
41411692016.12.05chuniok《講話ê藝術》主講:洪蜜長老, NATWA-Boston
41211182016.11.15chuniok"Effects and Correlation of Taiwanese Alphabet Training in Taiwanese and English
41111712016.11.15chuniok" Restoration of Old District Names in Some Local Cities in Japan
41010882016.11.14chuniok2016台越研討會&第八屆台灣羅馬字國際研討會 開幕典禮
40911382016.11.13chuniok"Bootstrapping a Taiwanese Lexical Network from dictionaries: methodology and
40812452016.11.13chuniok" Penang Hokkien: the evolution and future of a cosmopolitan lingua franca"
40712392016.10.23chuniok馬偕故鄉Woodstock 之旅, 2016北美洲台灣教會協會神學研討會
40611182016.10.11chuniok2016北美洲台灣教會協會 北美教協之夜
40513742016.10.06chuniokNo Subject!

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